30 May

Skin color is due to many  things.  One is the content of the pigment. Most important is called as melanin melanin is  produced by cells called as  melanocytes. Most of the people if they are white or  dark in colour, they have same number of melanocytes but the production  of  melanin is more  in the dark and les  in the light. Melanin is  of two types. One is  reddish colour melanin  and the other is  brownish  colour  melanin. Reddish colour melanin gives rise to red  head or  red haired people,  in  fair people ,  the Caucassians.  Browninsh  color  melanin  is present  in most of us. When the brownish colour is   melanin is produced in very large  quantities, it starts looking black in color,  another  thing  responsible for the colour of the  skin is called a s hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is present in the blood. That gives a pinkish tinge to the  skin. So people who have anemia, even though they have melanin, they look very pale.  Melanin is protective pigment and protects us from harmful radiation from outside.  Melanin acts as a  UV filter. So Melanin is a natural sunscreen. So it   protects  he harmful  UV light from  entering  inside the body and causing mutations and cancer, so when we do any  skin lightening treatment, we have  to explain,  that it is not good  thing and it will make  your  skin sensitive to sunlight for  those  people who have no choice and is in an industry that requires  them to be fair  w e go ahead with  some skin lightening treatment.  If it  is for the entire body, there is  an injection called as glutathione , along with Vitamin C at weekly intervals this causes  lightening of the skin   by 2  to 3  tones, this is  more  effective in people  who are darker and less effective in people who  are lighter.  Glutathione changes the brownish colour melanin to red colour  melanin. Therefore the brownish colour becomes light brown color and it improves skin tone.  Vitamin C also improves the skin color, so we give it along with the glutathione.  If it is only for particular body areas, we do Gluwhite tablets or we do vitamin c. 

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